Most of these listings are for those living more permanently in Dunbar but some of the clubs might welcome the casual visitor and it is best to contact them directly to check. Visitors are very welcome to come and support our local football, hockey and rugby teams who play regularly at Hallhill and to take part in the Saturday morning Park Run at Lochend Woods. In the summer the cricket club plays at Winterfied Park with beautiful views across to the Bass Rock.
Badminton Club
Meets at Dunbar Grammar School on Mondays 7.45 – 9.45pm. The Junior Badminton Club meets at Dunbar Grammar School on Tuesdays as follow: Ages 8 to 11/12 from 7 – 8pm and Ages 11/12 to 16 from 8 – 9pm. Contact: Dunbar Badminton Club
Bowling Club
Free Youth Bowls Coaching at West Barns Bowling Club. Ages 7 – 16. 2.30 – 3.30 on Sundays (from 24th April).
Cricket Club
Indoor nets begin on the 7th of March at Dunbar Grammar School, 8pm-10pm and will continue on for that month and from April onwards Training is at Winterfield Park, at our outdoor nets. From 6pm-8pm (Weather Dependant). New members are most welcome and can turn up for any session! More Information: Dunbar Cricket Club
Dance Classes
There are two dance schools in Dunbar:
The Dunbar School of Dance. Its classes are primarily based in Hallhill Sports Centre, Dunbar, and classes take place there six days a week. Contact Julie on 07824 358970 or
Dance Discovery is based at the Dance Studio on Spott Road and specialises in RAD ballet, ISTD Tap and Jazz, Hip-Hop and Zumba for ages 18 months to Adults. Contact: Claire on 07826 546862 or email:
Football Clubs
Dunbar United FC and the Dunbar United Colts FC are based at the Hallhill Sports Centre. The Colts have boys and girls sections. The soccer school is on Saturday morning from 10 – 11am and the Girls Academy meets on Tuesday evenings. Contact details and more Information are on the Dunbar United FC Facebook page. The Colts are developing a new website, details to be available soon.
Walking Football
Hockey Club
This meets at Halhill Sports Centre on Thursdays as follow: Junior Section 6 -7 pm, Ladies Section 7-9pm.
Information: Dunbar Hockey Club. Contact: or
Rugby Club
Meets at Hallhill Sports Centre on Thursdays. More information is available on the club’s website or Facebook page.
Mixed Touch Rugby
Mixed touch Rugby meets on Tuesday night from 7-8.30pm at Hallhill Sports Centre. Everyone over the age of 16 is welcome to come along and take part, Touch Rugby is an enjoyable way to get fit. Contact: Mark at
Mini Rugby
Dunbar RFC meets at Hallhill Sports Centre on Sunday for ages p1 – p7. P1-P2 = 10.15am-11am. P3-P7 = 9.30am-11am
Contact: or
East Lothian Girls Rugby
S1 and above are welcome to join us at our training sessions at Mary Murray Park, Prestonpans. Contact:
Running Club
Meets at Hallhill Sports Centre on Tuesdays and Thursdays. More information is available on the club’s website, Dunbar Running Club.
Park Run
There is also a weekly Park Run that starts in Lochend Woods every Saturday at 9.30. For More Information: Dunbar Park Run
Self Defence Club
Meets at Belhaven Church Hall on Fridays 7.30 – 8.30. The club trains people in survival techniques for violent encounters. The lead instructor has been involved in self defence training for 20 years and martial arts for 30 years.Certified by the British Combat Assoc. And CQB by Dennis Martins International Training concepts. Holding Dan grades in Taijutsu and Hanbo jutsu. It’s a small friendly club with male and female members. Contact:
Surf Life Saving Club
This is based at the Belhaven Surf Centre. Training Times are posted on their Facebook page.
Squash Club
Meets at Hallhill Sports Centre on Mondays 7.30 – 9.30, Junior sessions (5.45 – 7.30 for squash and racketball). More Information: Dunbar Squash Club
Swimming Club
The Dunbar Dolphins are based at the Dunbar Leisure Pool. Sessions are on Monday and Thursday evening or early Sunday morning.For more information: Dunbar Dolphins
Table Tennis Club
Meets at The Bleachingfield Centre on Wednesdays 12.45 – 2 and Thursdays, 10.30 – 12. Enjoy a social game of table tennis with friends old and new. Open to all abilities. Contact: Dunbar Table Tennis Club
For those looking for activities that are a little more sedate there are many options available. Many of these are held in the Bleachingfield Centre (and Dunbar Library) whilst others are located in church halls, local hotels and schools.
Bleachingfield Centre
Activities at the Bleachingfield Centre are diverse and it is best to drop into the centre to find out the most up to date information on all the activities that happen there during the week. To give a flavour some of the current activities include:
Afterschool Club
Afterschool Club – please enquire at the Bleachingfield for timings
Book Bugs
Book Bugs on Wednesdays between 9 – 10am (during term time)
Chess Club
Meet at the Royal Mackintosh Hotel on Tuesday nights from 7pm.
Dementia Sing A Long
Dementia Sing A Long on Tuesdays from 1.30 – 3.30. Contact:Chris Roberts on 01368 863299
Dementia Carers Support Group
Dementia Carers Support Group meets on Thursdays from 2.30 – 3.30. Contact: Lorna Bunney on 01620 870632 or email
Dunbar Writers
Dunbar Writers are a very diverse but friendly group who write short stories, poetry, novels, anything really! You do not have to be published or experienced to join. New members are always welcome! The group meets every second Thursday: 7.30 – 9.30pm. Contact: Tyne and Esk Writers and
Health Walk
Health Walk at Bleachingfield Centre. Every Friday at 10am, no need to book and free to join. Dementia friendly walks have been adapted to assist those living well in the community with dementia to attend with their carer, family and friends. Contact:
Jo Jingles for toddlers
Mondays 9.30 onwards and Tuesday at 10.45 (family class). Contact: Leigh on 01875 616607
Lego Club
Lego Club on Fridays between 2.30 – 3.30pm
Lip Reading
Lip Reading Class on Mondays 9.45 – 11.
Mindfulness Club
Mindfulness Club on Mondays, 2-4pm. Run by the New Age University.
Mini Kickers
Mini Kickers (pre school age) on Mondays 10.45 – 12 and 1.45 – 3
Music School Classes
Lessons are available for piano, violin, viola, guitars, drums, flute, clarinet, recorder, clarsach, folk fiddle, voice. Loan instruments are available. To book a place, please email or for more information see the Dunbar Music School website.
Physiball on Mondays 9.15 – 10.45
Play Group
Play Group meets on Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays 9.30 – 11.30
Quilting Club
Quilting Club (Material Girls) fortnightly on Tuesday 10 – 12
Youth Club
Youth Club meets on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
Hallhill Sports Centre Groups
Busy Bees Toddler Group
Busy Bees Toddler Group on Tuesdays 9.30 – 11.30 (during the school term) and Fridays 9.30 – 11.30 (during the school term)
Sporting Memories
Sporting Memories meets on Thursdays 10.30 – 12.00. Tackling Dementia, Depression and Loneliness through the Power of Sport, £1 per session. Contact:
Outwith these two centres there are many more groups that meet in venues all across Dunbar.
Girl Guiding
This is based at Dunbar Parish Church. There are Rainbows, Guides and Rangers based in Dunbar and members from aged 5 to 18 years are welcome. More Information visit the Church’s website.
Dunbar Choral
Dunbar Choral rehearses on Tuesday evenings in Belhaven Hill School on Tuesday evening between 7.15 and 9.15 from August to June. This is a mixed choir that performs a variety of music from Simon and Garfunkel through Scottish folk songs to classical pieces. Events include 3 concerts a year including one at Christmas. No auditions! Great fun, forget everything else and just sing! More information: Dunbar Choral
Dunbar Sings
Dunbar Sings meets on Wednesday evening from 7pm until 9pm at St Anne’s Church Dunbar.
DunbarSings has currently approximately 60 members with a range of musical experience. You don’t have to live in Dunbar, or be able to read music to join. Come along one Thursday and see what we are about. More information on Facebook.
Dunbar Pipe Band
Play or learn with the band in either piping or drumming. Interest in welcomed from all ages from primary 4/5 upwards and also from adult learners. All tuition is provided via tutors in the band. Lessons are held on Wednesday evenings and Sunday afternoons the Royal British Legion, High Street , Dunbar. Contact via Facebook or or call PM Alexander McCredie on 07972 133931.
Dunbar And District Amateur Drama Association meets on Wednesdays . It is an amateur dramatics company performing musicals, comedies and drama. To find out more contact their Facebook page.
This regular programme of films start at 7.30 p.m. at the Hallhill Healthy Living Centre, Countess Road, Dunbar. Members and visitors welcome, visitors £7 on the door. For more information on the current programme visit the club’s website.
A new hub for crafts, the Community Shed is based at the Business Centre, 8 Spott Road. Activities here are varied and it is probably best to contact the centre directly for more information. Contact the Shed.
Dunbar Boardgame Club. Meets at the Stables at Belhaven Parish Church on Wednesdays at 7pm. The club usually plays strategy games along the lines of what you might find featured in the Top 100 rankings on the website. Contact: Darren Kilfara: or on Facebook.
Chess Club
Awaiting confirmation of venue change. (No longer meets at the Royal Mackintosh Hotel on Wednesdays at 7.30).
Community Groups
Rotary Club meets at the the Hillside Hotel on Mondays at 6pm. More Information on Facebook. Dunbar and District Probus Clubmeets in West Barns Bowling Club every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month from10.00am – 12 noon except July and August. More Information visit the Dunbar and District Probus Club.
Please note:
The list above is kept as up to date as possible but timetables and venues will invariably change and new clubs establish. If any information is not correct or if any new information or activity wishes to be listed please email on the contact link on foot of the home page.