We are of course still in the current phase of lockdown across Scotland and England which, while both countries have slight variations on their rules, fundamentally means that we are not allowed to travel or go anywhere unless it is for essential food shopping or exercise.
You can read more about the current restrictions in Scotland by clicking here >>>
However if you do live within an allowed distance of Dunbar then there are plenty of great walking routes that are the ideal outdoor exercise solution as we head into spring time.
Part of the 60 things to do in Dunbar
Because as we constantly say on this website, there are so many things to see and do in Dunbar, walking of course included. You can find out more about each individual walking route here >>>
If you are a fan of cliff top, fresh air walks with the sea breeze then the Dunbar Clifftop trail is perfect for you. It is 3.5 miles long and depending on your walking speed, will take around about one and a half hours to complete. Discover the red sandstone cliffs and see the sprawling golf courses then head into the historic streets of Dunbar itself.
If you would like to know more about this walking route, click here >>>
Beach walks in East Lothian
But what if you are looking for something more open? How about a beach walk? For some, nothing beats a beach walk and this is where Dunbar truly has you covered. Just off the High Street of Dunbar is a short walk along East Beach. It leads along to Dunbar Golf Club. But if you want a bigger beach then head to Belhaven Bay. There is also Tyninghamme, Ravensheugh, Thorntonloch, Redheughs and Bilsdead.
So as you can see, you are not short changed when it comes to walks in and around Dunbar.
While the Coronavirsu restrictions do mean that so many of you are simply not allowed to visit, we always strongly advise you to take the restrictions seriously, follow them closely and if you do partake in a walk in Dunbar or anywhere else in East Lothian for that matter, please respect social distancing for yourself and others.